Our Lady Queen of Peace & St. Thomas More is a "sacrificial giving" community, i.e. we are committed to giving back to God a portion of what God has so freely given us. As disciples of Jesus Christ, we believe that we are called to be stewards of God's gifts by giving of our time, our talent and our treasure. We invite you to join with us in the call to stewardship by sharing your time, talents and treasures with the parish community of Our Lady Queen of Peace/St. Thomas More.
In today's hectic world time can often be our most valuable commodity. Whether it be for an hour each week as a Religion teacher, an hour each month helping with a service project, or an hour or two volunteering at various annual events, there are plenty of ways for you to give of your time at Our Lady Queen of Peace/St. Thomas More.
God gives each of us beautiful and unique gifts in the form of talent, which can meaningfully and creatively build up the life of our Parish and the local community. No matter what your aptitude, there are ways you can put your talents to good use for the parish community of Our Lady Queen of Peace/St. Thomas More.
Material blessings are perhaps, the easiest to count. Whatever your income may be, there are many ways to contribute a gift of treasure to Our Lady Queen of Peace/St. Thomas More community and the ministries we support.
Please take a moment to look at the many programs listed below that the people of Our Lady Queen of Peace/St. Thomas More community are involved in. You are invited to share your time, talent and treasure by participation in any of these ministries. New members and new ideas are always welcome! To find out more information about any of these ministries, contact the person listed or your Parish Office. Thank You!